Christian BoyLove Forum #61080

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Posted by Youth?? on 2009-12-21 15:34:18, Monday
In reply to i'd like to hear your thoughts on my thoughts... posted by marc on 2009-12-21 12:40:35, Monday

I share your anger and dedication.
I think honestly people are just tired. Yeah, your right.
Right isn't actually a word, your beyond right.
No one can refute what you said; at all.
I just think, we're sick of it. Why even bother? Then we just point the finger at someone else to hate - and the cycle starts all over again. Yeah, it's shame how full history is of violent acts to get the point across to people. It's actually pathetic it's ever come to that. I agree 'praying' isn't really a smart idea here - I share your enthusiasm with that too. But I do believe in God, and I am sick of people. This world is doomed and I can hardly see a point in trying to make it a better place because it's all going to end eventually. I would have rather lived my life then waste it.
Look at Martin Luther King. In my eyes, he wasted his time. He stood up to give african americans rights, and about 50% of them are in our prisons and the other half just act like complete dumb fucks being all gangster and shit.
King probably looks down on us and says to himself "These aren't the african americans I fought for." And that would be the same fate for us. Sure I don't agree with sex with a minor or rape or molestation at all; and just as many people will say the same thing. And once we're accepted, we'll end up fighting for rights to have sex with children and the line between rape, molestation and consentual sex will be SO blurred. And we'll look down and say "These are the pedophiles I fought for."

It's all a lost cause.

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