Christian BoyLove Forum #61339
Dont get me wrong i would love to take him on my own (for all the right intentions) we would have an awesome , memorable day, which he will remember for the rest of his life, one reason being it will be his first live soccer game of his favourite team. I still remember mine from 1972 very clearly. The only reluctance that may occur from his mom , could be the fact that it would be our first day out together alone - we have been before but within a group environment (which was awesome). In my favour is the fact that his mom 'knows' he is very very fond of me. (see previous posts) - he has sat on my lap , arms around my neck etc in front of her. She has even commented when inviting me to an event at her house (which sadly was later cancelled) that " xx would be so happy if you came" (she actually said it twice). For some reason i am so nervous about asking her - i suppose in a way because it means a lot to myself , in my further bonding with my yf. But its not all about me - but its also to make one of my yf's dreams come true - how awesome is that ? Blessings hfj |