Christian BoyLove Forum #61354

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Re: What should I do ?

Posted by Blackstone on 2010-01-15 04:28:41, Friday
In reply to What should I do ? posted by hfj on 2010-01-14 00:53:01, Thursday

I suppose it depends on how risk averse you are. Would you rather risk a lot for the opportunity to have big gains, or risk little for an assured small return?

Faced with a similar situation, I chose to take the big risk. It paid off and that decision became the turning point in my relationship with my yf. Our relationship would be much different and far less intense had I not made that choice. But on the other hand, if that decision had backfired as it was likely to do, I may be talking about how I lost my yf because of it today.

We can't answer this for you, only you can. With great risk come great rewards but also greater chance of failure.

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