Christian BoyLove Forum #61706
Thank you. It's good to be back, I hope.
I see I forgot to explain my original subject. Silly me. So. Let's see. All of the things you list may carry some truth in them. I've always wanted a family and age adds a feeling of urgency to that. And I certainly am not as close to God as I perhaps ought to be. But as for friends, I have always had friends younger and older than myself. I think it's a fallacy to think that friendships should be limited to one's own age group, though those certainly are important. Not that I presume you think that way! On the other hand, perhaps most of my relationships are, if not shallow, not very intense either. How ever, I've come to believe that human life has it's natural ebbs and lows. Feelings come and go without the need to always have a deeper reason behind it - save perhaps that God wishes us to confront certain things in our life and thus help us grow. That's why I gave the original post the subject Waves and that's also how I view my new found longing for a loved boy. You mentioned that "it's good to hear [snip] that it is possible for BLs to be safe around boys". I read the article on "good pedophiles", and while I even agree with some things I think the writer made one mistake specifically. The problem is not that children may or may not be "capable of recognizing when an interaction is just starting to go south and of getting out of the situation". The problem is that BLs (and others alike) lack peer support (and pressure). Most are alone with their secret and that makes it awfully powerful, capable of turning good men sour. -Dwain |