Christian BoyLove Forum #61754
How do we come by names and labels? Shakespare; "What is in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would small as sweet."
Adam was given the task of nameing the animals but foumd no helper as a mate for him. Hence God from his rib build a woman, creating male and female, bleessing them and called their name "Man." [Gen.5:2] Now we use Mankind as a label, and we each know it means all of us. And look we each are according to its kind keep multiplying and filling the earth. As we do, we have come to have enmity between us, one for another much of which has lead to wars and so on. Our love for things, land or persons have lead to fights over such, so that the last of the ten commandments tell us not to Covet anything that is your neighbor's. [Ex.20:17] From boyhood to manhood we learn many things; And this is one that is most important; For as we grow, we covet or desire and want out of our heart. And it is out of our heart comes the issues of life. {Prov.4:23] I did not mean to post so much; but the point is, we each have to deal with the name or label we feel we see we have come to have. |