Christian BoyLove Forum #61996
Lately whenever I log into my messenger chat I get these random msn friend requests and I add them to find out who it is but it keeps turning out to be these people going "hi im __ and im __ years old do u want to see some naked pics or something like that. Im getting naked now, we can have some hot fun, come view my webcam etc etc..
These messages are random bots and I can bet my life on it there are countless minors receiveing these messeges around the world when they log in to their chat, so why isnt the police doing anything? I sure wouldnt want my 9 -11 year old getting such invitations online by some random adult offering online sex. The law goes after pedophiles who solicitate online sex with minors then how is this so different ? At the end of the day its still some adult whos just invited a 10 year old to webcam for some sex, I fukn hate double standards and hypocrites and unfortunately the world is full of it. |