Christian BoyLove Forum #62051

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Posted by Youth?? on 2010-03-08 17:24:11, Monday

You are probably about the third person I've -heard- of my age that 'claim' to have an 'issue'. But skip the excuses and dwell down and find what lies beneath and there it rears it's ugly head. What motivates this thought process - what is it with all of these [edit] year olds becoming so... unyouthful? What makes us think we are sexually attracted to male children? Some people flee from their life - into sexual lust/actions with a child and as silly as it's sounds - I think a large number of -us- flee to it without much motivation at all. I rant and rave but in the end the only point I have is, your not the first which is evidence enough to say you won't be the last of our -kind-. All the passion and love a human can have, we're just not old and creepy yet. Luckily for you - you are [edit]. Nice. See, God likes to forget I exsist (joke, but almost being serious) and so I'm stuck inside this 4 walled prison, some refer to as a room. Unable to find a job - unable to find money, unable to express myself on a day to day basis. Unable to have any structure. So day in - day out I think about what I've done and how the hell I got here, and where the hell, I'd rather be (that would be anywhere) but anyway, i digress. Don't loose that structure (structure = school, job, ect.) or you'll end up like me ranting on a forum. And always remember it could be worse. Sheesh. I was better off playing dead.

*runs back to tomb*

[I edited out references to personal information I took out of Orphan's post-Godpsell]

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