Christian BoyLove Forum #62520

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Just gonna run something past you.

Posted by Youth?? on 2010-04-25 18:21:47, Sunday
In reply to Christian boy love is Christian boy ABOMINATION posted by Jesus on 2010-04-24 12:03:27, Saturday

Imagine you have a son. He's 11 or 12.
One day he goes to school, and - his teacher fondles him.
Of course, the boy is more than confused, and of course he's curious.
Now lets say, that this 'fondling' was a one time thing (which it almost NEVER is) still. Your son is still curious. Chances are he isn't going to tell you, or anyone for that matter. In fact, most chances are, the next sleep over he has is going to be with someone his own age, and they fondle each other.

I'll end the story right there and say - so the teacher who fondled your son - chose of the fate of your son's spirit - forever?
It is an act as simple of this that starts the cycle all over again. And if you think, if you HONESTLY think, your Lord God above, allows someone else to choose the fate of your soul, then your VERY mistaken. And I'll ask, when you find out about your son, are you gonna bible thump him and condemn him to hell? You are honestly, sincerely, a fool. Someone I have no patience or remorse for. Grow up, step outside of your box for ten seconds and realize not everyone who likes men, likes boys, and not every person that likes boys wants to fuck them.

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