Christian BoyLove Forum #62596
At the risk of being hopelessly aggressive and crass:
There are two ways to live - to spend your life moping about what you don't have, or making the best use of what you do have. I spent the weekend with my closest (hetro) friend; he's incredibly gifted at practical things - can happily strip down a diesel engine and put it back together again, and enjoys rushing up and down hills and doing stupid things in potholes (caving) getting thoroughly wet and cold. But he's mildly dyslexic and therefore struggles to read. By contrast I am at my most happy with my nose in a book or having a serious discussion on theology, history, politics, chemistry etc. I therefore have a choice: do I regret what I can't do, or do I focus on what I can? Another way of looking at it is to consider Jesus' parable of the talents: surely if you are not careful you end up being the one who buries the talent that he is given - which does not get His commendation. Yes it's hard at times. I burst into tears at the end of a novel I was reading recently because the 'happy ever after' - or approximation thereof - was quite such a powerful reminder of what I, like you Unique, don't have. (No, I'm not going to identify the book as it would be a spoiler for it...) But I picked myself up and have got on with life, because there are things in life that are worth living for, where I can make a difference for the good. (At least IMHO!) So I'd encourage you to find out what those things are for you and work at them, using this life as the gift from God that it is to be used in His service, conscious that it is just the foyer to our real home, which is with God for ever. And He will wipe away every tear and there we will find true joys... |