Christian BoyLove Forum #62684
i was just thinking about this today, actually. I've been going to a new church recently and it turns out that a girl I used to know (and had a huge crush on in high school) also goes there. I haven't seen her in over 7 years, I actually forgot she existed for a majority of them, but as soon as I saw her walk in to sunday service my heart jumped and I was a little more than astonished to feel something I haven't experienced in a long time: overwhelming attraction to a female. I started thinking "ok! I'm cured! Wow, she's really something. I hope she's single. I should really go talk to her, who knows, maybe something can happen, and I can marry her and be a normal person again and all this silly business about YFs can disappear, etc..." when a stunning boy crosses my line of sight. Instant deflation. Hmmm...boys. why?!!!