Christian BoyLove Forum #62845
I agree with everything Blackstone just wrote, especially in that it is no one's business what our sexual thoughts are. But I would also like to add this, that I am one of the rare ones who is out to quite a few in my church. My Pastor is also one of my best friends and I have been out to him since I have known him...BUT...the circumstances of my being out to the people in my church are not what you might think. I am out to my Pastor, and others, because I had to go to jail and he was the one who came to visit me there. My being a BL was part of the reason I was in jail, so it was kind of an automatic outing for me. I don't suggest you try to do the same thing. Coming out to anyone, for a BL, is a dangerous proposition. You should think long and hard before even considering it.