Christian BoyLove Forum #62863
So, on my second time hanging out with my cousin - we had a blast. Just had a bunch of fun, our online game actually was malfunctioning and wasn't playable until late that evening, so I decided to play a game that I've had since I was his age. He was amazed about how good I was at it (the game was Metroid: Fusion for any gamers out there) and he was laughing as I played through the game with ease and grace, and even laughed at me when I died. Which was okay because I laughed too. But when we went to bed, he told me not to sleep that he just wanted to lie awake and talk for an hour or so, which of course I agreed! We talked about some funny videos we watched and stuff and about some stuff I've done, for example two years ago i actually took a class on massage therapy, mostly for my self, for my leg, but learned some stuff for backs and shoulders and stuff. As we where getting too loopy to stay away, I starting poking at tense parts on his back, he sighed and asked "What are you doing?" And before I got to answer he said "Whatever it is, keep on doing it - if feels good." Well, i didn't say no, so I continued to rub his back (btw he had a shirt on :P) until he fell asleep, then dozed off to it myself. It was a great moment that I felt entirely happy about :)