Christian BoyLove Forum #62980
Newgeorge I cant believe you would even ask "what kind of person would be regarded as a creep" when all you have to do is ask yourself why society chose to fear, stereotype and outcast us all in the first place. Its ALL because of those creeps, who through their actions and comments have ruined any chance of acceptance for the rest of us. If it wasn't for the creeps we wouldn't be in this shit.
Everytime those creeps act out or speak out their actions are seen as a representation for every minor attracted individual out there. Creeps who have no respect for the child and see them as a piece of meat, creeps who exploit their own children, creeps who lack empathy, compassion, values or human emotions, creeps who call themselves Boy lovers but the only thing they love is themselves and to satisfy their hunger without the slightest consideration for the well being of our precious youth. Creeps who leave disgustingly vile, disrespectful, abusive and derogatory remarks about children on other boards. Creeps who go on chats sites posing as children to lure and groom kids. Creeps who pose as Boy Lovers when in fact the only thing they are is Child Molesters and predators who harm not only children but our reputation. |