Christian BoyLove Forum #63153
I've had so much time to spend with a younger family member recently, it's been so fun ,and honestly, refreshing as a drink of water. I'm so sick of hearing about college, and stupid people getting 'laid' or 'wasted' - sometimes I want to hear an anti-social 12 year old, just be himself. I don't know what you people believe, but I swear to God - this kid is the other half of my sanity. It is as if God made half of me, and then created the other half of me eight years later. But anyway - I digress. I enjoy every moment I have with him, but after the fact, it's like being robbed. Like your missing something. In a strange, cup half empty-half full way, dry spells may at times be better then being with a boy, then having him yanked away by school or a move. Becoming numb to the entire fact sure is wonderful at times. But, the pain is worth the soothing that comes not long after.