Christian BoyLove Forum #63328
Matthew 5:3-5
"3"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. " In Jesus' famous sermon he talks about 3 types of individuals who are to receive blessings. The poor in spirit, those who mourn and the meek. In my opinion, these qualities are significantly undervalued in a society who measures success in terms of one's ability to achieve things, gather wealth, and 'make a difference' in the world. Frankly, some people just aren't up for it. Some people never improve, never "get over it" or "on with it" or "sort it out". Counselors these days (and I'm not just talking about professionals here... but any of us who feel "qualified" to give our 2 cents worth of advice to others) are looking for improvement, teach-ability, growth, overcoming, and moving forward. It's easy to get frustrated with those who repeat their mistakes, keep falling down, lack the strength to go on, find life just that bit too overwhelming.... We say with exasperation:... are you "STILL" dealing with that!... and yet.... Jesus calls them blessed. There are even some who, upon reading this, will dismiss my remarks with statements like "Jesus wasn't talking about the kind of losers you're talking about Cat... he was talking about people with gentleness and humility and legitimate reasons to grieve". Perhaps the people who suffer as I suggest are the also the ones with gentleness and humility BECAUSE they suffer... and even if they don't get virtue from their suffering... even if they become cold, hard and bitter... does Jesus love them any less... or have any less compassion on them. Newgeorge recently said, "the huge danger for the Christian is to give advice which doesn't involve any pain for him personally". I love this comment. I think it reflects the gospel so well. Jesus came to earth in human form to get down in the mess with us... to suffer along side us and even in place of us. He was and is a man of compassion. Even on the cross with thorns in his head, stripes on his back and nails in his hands he prayed, "forgive them Father, they don't know what they are doing". Life is tough for us Boylovers... for some, it's way tougher than for others. Some of us are in the mess because of our own stupid mistakes... others have got there because of things outside their control... for most of us it's a bit of both. Either way... Blessed are you if your spirit is poor, if you mourn, if you are meek.... Blessed.... Blessed.... for yours is the kingdom of heaven.... the Father Himself will comfort you... and you will inherit the earth. Prayer Father, help us to have compassion on the suffering as You do. Give us the wisdom not not excuse the self-indulgent and abusive but to nevertheless, treat each person with patience, gentleness and dignity. Help us to be strong and inspiring but at the same time merciful and forgiving. Help us be quick to listen and slow to speak. Help us to be humble enough not to think we know what's best for others... when really... most of the time... we have no idea. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen. ![]() |