Christian BoyLove Forum #63722
Are you sure you read my post? I can't see how you can get that out of:
"In my opinion, there are Boylovers, then there are Creeps who molest, rape, and even kill young children. We are not one and the same. We may (or may not) have the same sexual orientation towards young boys or girls, but that is where the resemblance ends." Let me put it a different way, maybe clear things up a little bit, ok? In my opinion, there are different kinds of people who walk this earth. There are those who molest, rape or murder young children, and those who do not! Among those who molest, rape and murder children, there are those who are sexually attracted to them, and there are those who are not. Among those who do NOT molest, rape, and murder children, there are those who are sexually attracted to them, and those who are not. I myself am one of those who A. IS sexually attracted to children (boys) and, B. does NOT molest, rape or murder them. OK? Is that clear enough for you? ![]() |