Christian BoyLove Forum #63762
That's weird that almost the very same thing happened to you, and at church no less. I don't know, I guess with some kids you are going to just hit it off with no problem and with some you just won't. Although this boy I was writing about is kind of a special case and my heart just goes out to him so much. The family who adopted him and his younger sister already have four kids, two boys (15 and 11 years old...both playing in the youth worship's so cool) and two girls. And they are the nicest people you would ever want to meet; just super friendly and very strong Christians. The whole family is very close. The two kids they adopted came from another country that is having a lot of problems right now. The little girl is fairly talkative, in fact she will talk to me every once in a while. But her brother is so shy, especially around me. I know he will talk AND sing because he was singing with all the other Sunday School kids a couple of weeks ago for special music during our service. He even has a nice voice, a nice loud voice, and a nice smile, too. He sang a line a little out of sinc with the rest of the kids and said, "Oops" and smiled and laughed a little, then everyone else laughed, it was really cute. He is such a special little guy and I really like him a lot, so I would love to hit it off with him if I could.
I think maybe I don't come across as being very friendly or approachable to some kids but I don't quite know why. It might be because I can get a little nervous when I'm around them and when I do I can't relax and just be myself. But I think I might have a plan. This Sunday the Youth band is playing the worship music, and if that boy is going to play his guitar along with them, I will make a point to talk to him after the service and really tell him how much I loved his playing. I'll see how that goes. ![]() |