Christian BoyLove Forum #63820
I think most if not all posters here are concerned about people who molest kids. But the hysteria is that there are a lot of people who believe EVERY person who has this desire molests. As you know, this isn't true. Just as straight men who desire sex with women aren't all rapists, pedophiles aren't all molesters. But being labeled as such keeps us in hiding, which sure doesn't help our self image, not to mention that we can't share our burden like most so called normal Christians can. So we're left to go it alone. I pity the pedophile who didn't have the internet to turn to for help and support.
And BTW, desires aren't sinful. Although the Bible doesn't state it, I firmly believe that Jesus had desires to be sexual with a woman. Because id he didn't, he wouldn't be not only God but also a man, which the Bible says He was. Dakota |