Christian BoyLove Forum #63886
I have to say that I'm saddened today. For those that know Billy Elliot the Musical there are so many Billy's. Tommy Batchelor is my favorite by far. He has a certain humility and down to earth personality. I was searching for new YouTube videos of the musical itself and found out that Tommy is all done! I'm sure there will be more from this young man before this life is 'oer but! I wanted to at least see him perform Billy on stage before he got done. As a side note it's heart breaking to realize that boys grow up and change to become the men they were meant to be. But anyway, the purpose of this post was to share a "Heart Throb", if you will, of a boy, *cough*, young man that I have been following for a while and despite my own selfish desires, Wish him the best the world has to offer in his future endeavors.
here is a video link to show off my hidden desire and by so doing relinquish my physical attractive hold on him: Now is the time I will mourn, for my quest for love will probably never be realized. On the other hand that is another topic all on it own. I just wanted to share this so people here can see what I like. I like all the billy's though... don't get me wrong. Okay, self, Shut-up and release the post! Okay self!! Billy207 |