Christian BoyLove Forum #63912

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You guys are awesome.

Posted by Rejected on 2010-11-15 15:38:28, Monday
In reply to Re: My YF Hurt Me So Bad posted by Eldad on 2010-11-14 18:39:57, Sunday

Great advice which is why I am glad I asked for help here, you brought things to my attention I hadn't even realized such as the possibility that he may have in fact picked up on my attraction from the amount of care and attention I have shown him.

You have no idea how much I appreciate your advice and for taking the time to respond to me. Thank you.

In regards to your question, although I am certain his parents have no part in his recent unexpected and odd behavior, talking to them about it just as you suspected "probably wouldn't be a good outcome" and may annoy my YF even further.

His parents seem to really love me, they have been grateful that I had been a positive influence in his life. They don't see me as a "far older man" for the same exact reasons why my own parents don't have a problem with me having a relationship with a 13 year old boy...the reason for this is because I am very childlike, my parents still treat me like a kid and I still get into trouble for things like not cleaning my room and etc. and this isn't because they influenced me to act like a kid but more so because I have something wrong with me where I feel like a kid trapped in an adults body and I cant seem to grow up no matter how hard I try. I still dress like teen and play video games all day have the exact same interests I did as a kid.

If you could remove the BL element out of my sexuality I would still be best friends with younger boys because I seem to unintentionally have a severe case of something like Peterpan Syndrome which is only worsened by the fact that I also physically look like teenager or at least 15 years younger then I actually am. I dunno why but maybe it has something to do with the way I feel.

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