Christian BoyLove Forum #64324
The idea that being BL or being gay is a disability arises from the notion that we are all called to be parents and that having an 'abnormal' sexuality must in some way be an aberration from God's plan for us. I think this doesn't recognise clearly enough the astonishing complexity and diversity of the human race (alongside the whole of nature) and the variety of vocation.
I also think it is a judgement passed by the 'normal' upon the 'deficient' in much the same way as mankind has been passing judgement on any who 'fall short' since Cain and Abel and well before. I know it's not an easy calling but the Christian is asked again and again to refrain from judging others, and surely an aspect of that has to be to refrain from judging ourselves too. Our only real task is to learn to live with the way that we are so that we do not cause suffering for others. My main point is that we are not all called to procreate. It's a far richer tapestry than that. If one accepts that, then an abnormal sexuality doesnt seem quite the disability that it does when procreation is put so very high on the agenda. |