Christian BoyLove Forum #64448
You were making a principled protection of the privacy of the unmentionable-dead-website ladies. Even though they had already been unveiled on blogs, boychat and, um, other places. It's great that you want to protect people's privacy, even if some of them would gladly ruin your life, but the problem is, anyone who's had any background in journalism, science, law, etc, knows that to make a story valid, you should substantiate. Otherwise, it's just rumor. Now, the no-outing-long-after-the-outing-has-already-happened rule just makes assertions impossible to substantiate here, making it a place of rumor rather than valid news. You could argue that as a spiritual support site, this site was not intended to facilitate valid news in any case. That's fine, but it's not obvious to anyone until they've gone through the school of hard webmaster knocks. Ouch, guys. I'm only trying to authenticate my facts. |