Christian BoyLove Forum #64533

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Re: Attracted to my friends brothers...

Posted by Blackstone on 2011-04-29 14:28:29, Friday
In reply to Attracted to my friends brothers... posted by Confused on 2011-04-28 16:06:50, Thursday

I'm pretty sure we've all been in a similar position before. You're just starting to understand your emotions and haven fallen for a boy for the first time. It's a great feeling. Don't stress over it, enjoy it; it's a positive emotion.

but I have not had one perverted or explicit thought about him, is this because he is a bit younger then the boys I prefer? Or is this how it is when we get closer to a boy more than just seeing one pass you by on the street?

Obviously, I don't speak for everyone, but I think this is a fairly typical feeling when it comes to boys we actually know and care about. I don't know for sure why it works that way, but I think I have some idea. I think that as guys, when we see a boy we are attracted to, we find it a lot easier to just jump to the sexual side of things than to imagine these scenarios that involve a complex and ultimately far more fulfilling relationship. That's not because we don't value such relationships or enjoy thinking about them; we do, as evidenced by the fact we enjoy watching movies and reading literature where such relationships occur. But it's just not as easy to fantasize about relational aspects as it is to fantasize about just plain sex. Thus, if we see someone we are attracted to, it's far easier for us to fantasize about moments of physical affection than it is to imagine all the other intricacies of a strong and complex relationship. With a boy you actually know, however, it's different. You do have some kind of relationship with him. There really are emotions wrapped up in it and nuances and complexities to how you relate. We enjoy all of those things as much as we enjoy the physical affection, so there is no need to bring sexual fantasies into it unless that is the direction your relationship takes.

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