Christian BoyLove Forum #64753
This post is part of our "Purpose Driven Life" book study, the first official Christian Boylove Forum book study. If you would like to join in, do not be discouraged by the thought that it's too late. The book is designed to be read one chapter per day but we only study one chapter every Monday and Thursday in this forum, so if you read it at the book's recommended pace, you will catch up with us very quickly. If you do not own the book, you can read the first few chapters for free here: while you look for the book in your local bookstores or wait for it to arrive from an online merchant.
In this chapter we have looked at the idea that God wants all of me. Our worship is composed of four elements. It is to be: based on the truth of Scripture; genuine and heartfelt; engaged in with our minds; and reflected in the practical ways in which we live day to day. Since our Christian boylove community is participated in mostly via text it presents its own challenges to community/public worship. Here at cblf and also at cjat we seek to create a fellowship where BLs can come to be encouraged, challenged and find something of a safe haven to our fellow brothers in Christ. These four elements are essential to our effectiveness as a worshiping community. We all have different views on the way to understand the Scriptures and we seek to engage each other in a challenging but respectful manner. Because text lacks tonal and body language cues it's easy to misunderstand and take offense... we need extra patience to bear with one another... and extra gentleness in our words (we don't always succeed). Let me encourage all of us who participate here to give God all your heart, soul, mind and strength both on this board and in everything you do to participate actively in the book study, feel free to respond to this post or to any of the discussion questions Cat or anyone else posts below. You don't necessarily need to respond to what is written on this post, you may prefer instead to talk about the parts of the chapter that spoke to you even if it wasn't something mentioned on this post. You may also pose your own discussion questions. |