Christian BoyLove Forum #65025
I did scouts in my time, and I found a huge variety of religious beliefs (not to mention there was really no emphasis on it).
If we're talking about scouting in america, I think it is illegal for them to deny admittance due to religious beliefs. That being said, however, as it IS america, they would simply blame a denial on something unrelated as far as adult volunteers go (for instance, an alternate sexuality - at least for the grand majority of districts). Ultimately, I can't say I'd recommend scouting, it's a hugely political organization, sincerely moved away from the ideals of helping boys - not to mention all the safeguards preventing any adult from becoming close with any boy. I could go into more details, but that is also solely based on my experiences and observations. If you maintain an interest in an organization, though, it costs nothing to apply. |