Christian BoyLove Forum #65145
I chewed on this for a while before I made a response. I honestly am not sure if I'm what the world percieves as gay. I am homosexual, I find males attractive, for me, usually from the onset of puberty and forward. But, what I juggle around is how much stronger and starved I feel when I think about being with a boy sexually, or just how strong the 'butterflies' are when I'm around a boy I'm attracted to. Occasionally, I'll find a man with a pair of kissable lips, nice teeth or an all around attractive body, but basically any boy takes care of himself (hygine, weight, ect) is down right attractive. Below puberty? I find boys adorable, but not sexually attractive. I have younger cousins both male and female and the females are just yuck, I identify myself with males, pretty much every time. I've had romances growing up involving males, and these males are now 'strait' (using that term loosely) and that whole can of worms.
When we cross over to 'where will I go when I die?' - I take Blackstone's position. Entirely, I won't do him a diserivce by trying to replicate it. I will add however, I believe in Jesus, I believe in God, but I -KNOW- my sexual orientation. And if I get caught up that the almighty God, creator of the universe is worried about my sexual preferences over the salvation of the lost, feeding of the hungry and little things like that? What a waste. Our bodies are temples, but temples come and go and get ravished by time, in the big picture, whom I willingly share my body with really doesn't matter. Assuming the person here isn't going to give me some disease and kill me, but you get the idea. There are much bigger things to dwell on and think about then if God likes my homosexual self. |