Christian BoyLove Forum #65215
I just answered your e-mail. WebBLeu is willing and able to help you. I am posting here only to reassure your members. You asked for help at the good place. WebBLeu was founded in 2003 and from the start we had clear in our mind that a minority cannot progress without allies from the majority. So we started very early to nourish relation with non-BL friends. We joined for 36 months a special and private group composed of BL/GL people and non-BL/GL people. Etc. From all this and more, in January 2011 was born an organization dedicated to taboo sexual minorities. So, now WebBLeu can count on a very precious allied. And they are in position to help you the same way they are helping us. Here is a part of their mission (from the English page of their Web-site (this organization is from Québec) To present, explain and diffuse into society and by the suitable media, an inclusive vision of all sexual minorities which rests on the concerned people intimate experiment and on an objective concept of « in love and/or sexual desire orientation ». In the respect of Canadian Laws, but without however restricting their right to speak and their freedom of expression in accordance with the Quebec and Canada's Charters of Rights and Freedoms, to play various intermediary (middleman) roles, when their anonymity is necessary, for people, groups or organizations belonging to any of these sexual minorities so that they can take part in public debates and carry out their legitimate objectives, taking guard however, doing this, not to be nor to become the spokesman or the representative of their assertions, their claims or their fights. To gather together, to inform, to animate and support the people who want to discover and better understand the various sexual minorities reality and who wish to take part in researches, reflections and debates on this subject. Alpha WebBLeu general administrator |