Christian BoyLove Forum #65435
but it's still significant that that was the ONLY one they included.
How so? the modern world leaves it out of a list that they otherwise still hold to... but that even this is a recent omission. That wasn't the only thing you had to overlook in order to make that passage fit your point. You also had to overlook the item about having sex with a woman during her period; something not considered immoral by any other culture outside of the Abrahamic traditions, and something that the world has always left out of lists of immoral things. In addition, the statement is historically inaccurate since acceptance of homosexuality is not a modern thing at all but rather has varied greatly from culture to culture throughout history. Acts 15 was still a transition time and you are right... at that stage they did also include these the issue over blood... I leave this one for last because it raises the most provocative question. If the disciples didn't quite have it figured out yet and were still in transition. If, as you claim, their view eventually evolved to the point they were able to recognize they were wrong to think something immoral that isn't. Why can't our understanding of God's will and providence continue to evolve even to this day? Why is there no room for future generations to evolve just as the first generation did? |