Christian BoyLove Forum #65584
Why do I only feel that towards my yf? I don't feel this way towards pretty much anyone. Like I'm pretty confident guy and I don't really have any insecurities with most people. So why is it towards my yf, ANY fears I have gets magnified a million times and unless I get CONSTANT repetitive reinforcement that he likes me and he thinks i'm cool etc. my mind starts wandering to the feelings of inadequacy of insecurities? Why is it that my mind so wants to believe that he will grow up, realise that I'm a loser/fraud/weirdo and leave me forever? How do I deal with this because I know the source of the problem is me..that no matter how many times he tells me and shows me he cares/likes me it will never be enough?
And again I don't feel this towards ANYONE else, not other adults, boys I like, family members, co-workers...society. |