Christian BoyLove Forum #65969
I'm declaring war on the entire English speaking GL community online.
I will annihilate the innocent and the guilty. Both real pedophiles and decoys, and the all the cops who've monopolized the scene. I have no other choice, my options have exhausted, I will nuke everything to level the playing field. I won't attack cblf or BC, in fact I will leave the boylove forums alone. But any forum online that associates with pedophilia, GirlLove, I will viciously attack the staffers and members daily from this moment forward. We must eradicate all the liars who are perpetuating abuse rather than helping anyone. GC, LifeLine, VoA, and any individual who associates with these sites. I will stalk you and utterly destroy you, because that is what you deserve, so saith the Lord. By this time next year, I will be like sL only not a jackass. i will actually help pedophiles and heal the children of the world. you'll thank me later, just giving you the heads up. in love & service, Tabs |