Christian BoyLove Forum #66097
Homeland Security took my computer and flash drives and CDs, 13 months ago.
Today I'm going to get my stuff back, and with no charges filed. This is all the proof the world needs to know Tabs is NOT dangerous. Also, my shrink told me it's time to quit my therapy because there is nothing wrong with me. So... good happy times for Tabs, and bad times for all those foul liars who tried to slander my name for so many years. Not anti-pedophiles mind you, no, it was guys like sL and godspell and nelly who tried so vehemently to destroy my life. They all failed miserably. Trust Tabs, and don't trust anybody who ever told you Tabs was dangerous. We have proof now. Stop giving your respect and admiration to liars who only seek to entrap and hurt pedophiles. (your local admins mostly) love & service, Tabs |