Christian BoyLove Forum #66317
A lot of modern Christians get all 'ga-ga' over Israel. But the fact is that modern Israel has not existed but for a short while (what is it...66 years now?). Modern Israel cannot trace its lineage back to the Israel of the bible. More importantly, the entire new testament tells the story of how the torch is passed from the nation of israel to the Christian community. Paul's vision, which he lays out most beautifully in Galatians but on which most of the New Testament is established, is about how the God of Israel is now the God of all people. God's purpose for Israel is, as far as we can tell based on everything the bible tells us, complete. They succeeded in honoring the one true God and keeping the faith until the messiah came to us, through Israel, and became God of all people. We really shouldn't be looking to Israel anymore. God is no longer a regional God.