Christian BoyLove Forum #66339
Our orientation can enable us to be very effective youth leaders; we often have a concern for kids that others don't as easily get. But yes, being in this sort of position is risky; the alcoholic has gone into the restaurant with a licence (n.b NOT a bar!) - but that doesn't mean he'll have to take the drink.
Two issues immediately emerge: what you feel comfortable with happening - specifically do you WANT a YF (which does not imply any sexual activity, by the way), and what rules the organisation has in place about contact with young people outside the organised activities. It's important to realise that those rules are as much for your protection - against kids seeking inappropriate contact or making allegations that will destroy your life - as they are to prevent you doing things But overall - relax; you have the potential to be a great blessing to kids; just stay safe by putting boundaries in place and sticking to them. One final test: when you can't pray to God about a friendship with a boy, then it's probably getting iffy! |