Christian BoyLove Forum #66359
An unevidenced rant that showed no serious engagement with the topic. For example: 'But I don't really believe that anyone was "born" a pedophile or homosexual, sorry.' And I don't believe the sky is blue, but it is.
For the record, the statement: 'If any of you believe this should be legalized then I hate to say but you're not a real Christian, just a hypocrites who sees what is right in his/her own eyes.' is of course fundamentally flawed; to be a Christian is to have accepted God's grace and to be seeking to live as He desires, not according to my own desires. But if I've not come to realise that I've been howlingly wrong on this particular topic, and still believe that it should be legalised (note that's legalised for society, not accepted within the church), that doesn't prove I'm not 'a real Christian', it proves I've got a blind spot. Which all Christians have, in one area or another. |