Christian BoyLove Forum #66446
Here's my take on the subject. They know who's who and who is doing what. Since there is no way for them to bust every single person who is doing illegal stuff online (CP) They want to get the most bang for the buck and what better way is there than to pick out the ones that will get more press in order to heighten the paranoia and fears.
Now don't think I am condoning illegal activities, because I don't for one minute. What I'm saying is, what glory is there in busting someone say for instance, suffering from mental illness, or some homeless person that has access to the internet and is trading CP from a WiFi hot spot. Or me for instance (I don't engage in illegal activities) but if I did, I wouldn't make much of a newsworthy story. 56 years old, on Social Security Disability, suffers from mental illness, has had an almost successful suicide attempt 2 years ago, no real assets and minimal social life. Now if I were a high level person, like someone that works with kids,Boy Scout Leader, sports coach, clergy, someone in the entertainment field, military personal, I could go on and on, but you get the picture of what I'm saying. Plus, when they go after someone, they know beforehand who can afford to pay the fines,fees, court costs and attorneys. So you might be thinking (I can get away) with it since I'm none of the above...WRONG...It's like the lottery and your number just might come up. Be safe and (Just Don't Do It) Think about it, is it really worth throwing your whole life away for some stupid ole pictures or videos? Another sure fire way to get on the radar screen is to produce CP for instance, doing vile and disgusting things with baby's or young children. Rape, murder, torture or other bodily harm to children. Slimy sewer rats like this need to be exterminated on the spot. Yes they know who you are, they know where you live, they know more about your life than you do. For every security measure you take, their 10 steps ahead of you. I used to pay a subscription fee every month to encrypt all my internet traffic through a (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service) Then I thought, WHY I'm not doing anything that I need to hide and trying to hide myself only raises eyebrows and puts me on high alert. Okay, that's my rant for today. Just be careful in what you do. Love and Happy Thanksgiving to all my BL brethren! In Jesus Name....Freddie (8-31-91-SAVED) |