Christian BoyLove Forum #66484

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Tabs explains Rapture

Posted by Tabitha Church on 2014-12-16 09:39:37, Tuesday
In reply to ONE early writer propounds it posted by Eldad on 2014-12-16 03:33:27, Tuesday

I don't know who Darby is, nobody taught me about Rapture, everything I say here came directly from my own simple regular discourse with God thru contemplation and prayer.
Rapture is similar to bliss or ecstasy, or Nirvana or Samadhi.
The bounds of linear time do not apply. All moments of Rapture are the same moment viewed from Heaven. Viewed from the World, moments of Rapture extend all thru human history.
The bible speaks of Eternal Life. Eternity is not something we enter into, eternity is there always, we just cannot perceive it while we're trapped in the world. Inside of Heaven our souls become capable of perceiving eternity, all at once simultaneously.

The idea people have of the Rapture meaning some mysterious moment people vanish simultaneous together, that is totally absurd. People usually only vanish together simultaneously within a blast radius of massive explosion or huge global catastrophe.

When a person dies bound for heaven, they experience a timeless moment of rapture in death, the culmination of their life's work accomplishing God's Will.

The rapture is transitioning of souls liberated from physical reality of material world, passing into the beyond established by the Creator God, as opposed to not-doing that. You either accept the gift of continuity provided, or dissolve into oblivion of nothingness (Hell).

Whenever you hear people speak of "life flashing before their eyes"
This is Rapture.
Of course, it is possible to touch with Rapture and to understand it as a concept while alive on earth, but theirs no point to it. You cannot retain or recall any true accurate memories of experiences during attainment to moments of Rapture. They human brain immediately distorts that type of information. Our souls do not rely on brain cells to think or process the continuity of reality.

If your soul has been saved through Christ, you can cut your brain out of your skull, or have an atomic bomb drop on top of your head, the only effect will be clearer thinking, omniscience.

I can hardly wait.

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