Christian BoyLove Forum #66509
I'm not too sure everyone is going to experience heaven and enjoy the afterlife with God. The problem is people make it sound like the holy lifestyle is so easy. Apparently to the church all you have to is believe in God and boom! You're saved. You may return to your sinful lifestyles and pretend God is nonexistent for the rest of the week now. Everyone wants to believe they're going to heaven when they die but the truth is hell exists too. Hell is for the sinful, and just one sin is enough to get a person there. I can go to hell for my choice of lifestyle and anyone else can. It is the job of Christians to tell other people about jesus. Jesus preached all around. It was a choice for those around him to listen or not listen. Not everyone who believes in god will go there. God knows his sheep and people must seek and thirst for him. Now that, I would happy if they preached in the Church.