Christian BoyLove Forum #66671
A more interesting challenge. The internet creates an environment where people can come to love one another, but it is vastly less than ideal. We need, as far as possible, to be spending time with real people who bless us and whom we bless in the real world. Because being a BL is such a fraught area, too many feel ourselves forced to hide our real identities. This is, of course, deeply unfortunate.
Yet your 'demand' that I 'love' you is impossible to fulfil. Because you are a disembodied reality hiding behind a internet connection, the link will always be limited by those constraints. It IS possible to get to know others whom we meet over the net; this is achieved by long term interactions via safe channels. My email address is available - so feel free to use it if you seriously want to go down that route. But that's all the medium offers in the short term. But if you are accusing me of not loving you because I reject your 'revelation', then that's false; the very rejection is an act of love because to believe such lies is very dangerous for you. Paul produced the ultimate description of love - 1 Corinthians 13. He also suggests that the Judaisers, who were in favour circumcision of all Christians, in Galatians go the whole way and castrate themselves (Galatians 5:12).Truth is IMPORTANT... |