Christian BoyLove Forum #66972
The real Clive Staples Lewis is more commonly known as C. S. Lewis, the author of the Narnia series and many excellent books on theology for lay people, and many other works as well.
David and Jonathan are described deeply intimately, with language like “The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David.”, "they kissed and wept together until David exceeded himself", and "my love for you surpasses the love of women". Also, Saul condemned their relationship in his insanity as "unnatural" (so we can't easily accept that their relationship was within normal male friendship boundaries as some would argue). I encourage you to read "Jesus, The Bible, and Homosexuality: Explode the Myths, Heal the Church". It's an excellent exegesis and historical study by a former anti-gay theologian who was asked (practically forced, because he wanted nothing to do with it) to be one of the conservative voices on a task force to "look into" "the gay issue" by the Presbyterian Church, and subsequently changed his mind, and now travels the world speaking in support of gay marriage and full equality in both church and public spheres. ![]() • ( http link ) [Anonymouse] |