Christian BoyLove Forum #67004
Is it because of the way that I touch children's lives that I am so blessed all the time?
Walking the dog today it was sprinkling rain and grey skies, but I liked it because it's been bright & sunny for a week. Walking along I noticed how all the twiggy lookin' sparse bushes, all have pretty flower buds of every color, and there are rose bushes, so many, I will be able to pick one and keep it in a vase on my altar. And it's all growing in this rich beauty bark, of red and blonde. There will be massive amounts of different various mushrooms in autumn. It is just the start of spring now, I can see into the future, how it will look, and it is lush and bountiful. What a beautiful place to walk my best friend Fludgers, O how he loves to sniff everything, and I will too with so many fragrant flowers. I will make an incense and burn it unto my beloved Sonilla, my Wonderful Won whom I love the most all my life. I believe I must've did somebody some good yeah, and never did no harm, I I never did no wrong. The virgin girls call on me to adore me and be seen by my eyes. They twirl the locks of my hair whirled round their fingers, and dote on me with perfect grace and virtue, patiently attentive, loyally faithful with gladness, unconditional love. So supernaturally otherworldly, what have I done to deserve this royal treatment? I swore the oath and signed the pact for omniscient thought with eternal life. I have met face to face with the physical manifestation of the proof of the miracle of direct communication with the Angel of the Lord, twenty six times. The bliss gets more intense every single time we meet, until the lag time between my will and the creation of reality becomes instantaneous, simultaneous with the universal consciousness at 12frames per second. Some people experience divinity during the moment of death, I have walked with God 26 times so now all of that which is impossible to describe & remember. I remember, I can describe. Nobody has ever been able to do that not even Jesus. Why am I allowed to live when everything is so perfectly ordered and arranged for me to complain about the overwhelming blessedness. This life has become so simple, in harmony, at one with whole earth world, effortless perpetual yoga magick trance, lucid dreaming and waking amazing how happy it is in heaven. Take a tip from Joe, do like he does, touch as many children's souls as you can, by obeying their wishes. Granting childrens wishes is where these blessings come from so sayeth the Angel of the Lord. Why would he touch thee? Peace, flowers and freedom and happiness. Peace, courage, honesty, and love. Within the will of the land there is righteousness going on. Eden where it's warm, with kisses racing fulfilling our hearts desire. |