Christian Boylove Forum

My friend Christopher

Submitted by Tde on February 10 1999 at 11:31:23


I would like to share with you my story about Christopher.

While I was in the Army, about 8 years ago, our unit started a program called "Adopt a Soldier". This program was for the single soldiers and it asked that married soldiers with family "Adopt" a single soldier for the holidays. Meaning iviting them for holiday dinners, stuff like that. I was "Adopted" by a family and the bond we made has lasted all these years. Christopher was a part of that family, and he was 5 years old at the time. From the first day I met Chris, we clicked. He suffers from Attention Deficet Disorder, as do I. Me and Chris became very close. I became to think of him as my "Adopted Son". Our relationship strengthened over the years and when his parents were divorced some time later, I became his father figure. There was nothing I wouldn't do for him, and he knew that all he had to do was put on his "Puppy Dog" face and hug me and I would melt like a popsicle. I spent every moment I could with him. I took him everywhere. Christopher turned 13 last month and is becoming a young man. I called him the other day, (They live in Alabama now, I am in Mississippi) and his voice had changed. They grow up so fast. He is comming down to stay with me for spring break and will spend 2 weeks of his summer vacvation with me. I can't wait. Christopher is the sweetest, most loving boy. I recently was asked to be his guardian should anything happen to his mother. Chris suggested me himself. About 3 years ago, I had the honor of becomming his "God Father". That was the happiest day of my life. Chris is growing up now, and doesn't show his affection like he used to. But I know he loves me, and I sure love him. I can't wait to see him again and give him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. (He will be extremely embarrased).
Well, thanks for listning to my ramblings, may God be with you all. I pray that you all find the love of a child. It is the purest, greatest thing in the world.

"We do not own this world, we simply borrow it from our children" (Unknown)

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