Christian Boylove Forum

The truth shall set you free

Submitted by Oliver on February 17 1999 at 22:05:52
In reply to MY 1st POST HERE, and CRY FOR HELP! :/ Submitted by KIDCODY on February 17 1999 at 19:15:10

Hi Kidcody,

I don't pretend to understand how you feel right now, although I do understand your feeling towards boys, so does God. May I pray for you...

Dear Lord,

I ask for peace upon my brother's soul, strength to overcome the grief and guilt that binds him, and the compassion that only you can give. Grant him your rest, hope, and love. Lord, I pray for direction, that, no matter what happens, he will not lose sight of you; steer him on the path of righteousness, and be with his family and the family of the boys he loves. Lord, you know this situation better than all of us; you know the outcome-may it be your will that is worked and not Satan's tempation that binds and hides the truth.


My only advice; What I feel led to share with you is to tell the truth and it WILL set you free.

Blessings and Love,

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