Christian Boylove Forum

Ive been there

Submitted by Joel on February 18 1999 at 04:27:25
In reply to MY 1st POST HERE, and CRY FOR HELP! :/ Submitted by KIDCODY on February 17 1999 at 19:15:10

Kid Cody:
I truly understand how you feel. Im a father with 5 kids, 3 of which are step sons. Over 5 years ago, I masterbated my 8yo step son and had him masterbate me. My wife came down stairs and saw what we were doing. I grabbed my gun and left the house with intentions of killing myself. Instead I called a help line and found my self in a hospital, then since my wife called the police I was transfered to jail. As then I was facing 16 years in prison, I had alot of time to realy try to understand what I did and what I was going to do. The lawers offered me probation in a plea bargin, I took it. I would have run and hid away if they said I was going to face 9 years in prison. I really hate to say that, because that would have ment giving up my family. But I dont think I could have handled the prison time.
I really feel for you, I dont really know why God made us the way we are and what we are suposta do about it. But I dont think you sitting in a prison cell and learning all the right things to say to some pretend therapist is what God had intended.
I dont touch kids anymore, although I want to, Im just too afraid.
Im so sorry this happened to you.
Love ya

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