Christian Boylove Forum

Just some thoughts

Submitted by Tedd on February 25 1999 at 01:07:30

Hi all,

Once again, allow me to thank all of you for your support in these difficult times I have been having. These last few months have tested my faith. First the loss of James, and now Joshua. Sometimes I find myself questioning my belief in God. How could he allow these beutiful children to die? I am assured by your posts that he has a purpose, or at least I hope he does. I have decided to write a book that I have been planning for quite some time. It will be a Science Fiction book, but I hope to include James and Joshua in it somehow, try to immortalize them in some small way. That is, assuming the book is any good. I am not a writter, but have had this book in my head for a while, not knowing how to begin. I remember Josh once asked me why I haven't started it. Well Josh, if you can see this, I will dedicate it to you my dear friend. Well, that is all for now, I will stop now and see what happens when I try to put this book down on paper.

We do not own this Earth, we simply borrow it from our children. (Native American Origin)

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