Christian Boylove Forum

Re: The Equivocal of Consciousness

Submitted by Ben on February 28 1999 at 09:50:54
In reply to The Equivocal of Consciousness Submitted by Thumb on February 28 1999 at 07:06:00

Thumb -
You are awsome! What a wonderful little friend you have and how simply beautiful the time that you spend together. If I had nothing more in my life than a small boy like that, to cuddle next to, to read to and laugh with, I think that I would be happy. You are adding to my thoughts that boylove is a special gift, not an easy one, but an important one. To be able to share our love, while still act responsibly is a difficult task - but one with Godly rewards.

I love Robert Frost, btw. Thanks for the poem!

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