Christian Boylove Forum

a burden on my heart

Submitted by Scott on March 16 1999 at 21:43:13

Hey everybody,
hi to all the new folks who keep dropping in, popa bear, et al. I hope you find this to be a place you can return to often!

In case anyone didn't know, GoPlay seems to be down, and has been for a coule of days. No email access, unfortunately. I got a new hotmail account, and they are free for the taking at They are microsoft, so i doubt they will have many problems.

I was browsing boychat, and a particualar post hit me. it was by someone named "quandary", and spoke of a car accident he was recently in. seems a car full of drunk college kids blew a stop sign with no lights on and broadsided him. he is not too tore up too bad, bt his YF is in the hospital and is pretty messed up.

you can read his post here:

i realze this happens every day, and i am not sure why, but the Lord has placed a burden on my heart for these two pepole, and their familires. i have been in similar situations, so i can somwehat understand their pain. i think we should all keep them in our prayers.

Lord, may you work in this man's life. fill his body with healing, if it is your will, and his young friend's body as well. no matter what your will for them, i ask that you would draw both of them closer to you through this painful time. i ask also that you would be with the boys family, as they must be suffering much. i ask these things in the holy name of Jesus your son, with faith that you will continue to love us, even in our deepest valleys of despair and pain.

in your name,

thanks guys. i feel better already. please keep them in prayer.
p.s. if oyu sent me email in the last few days, you might have to resend it....

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