Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Understanding Jesus

Submitted by John Guard on March 19 1999 at 09:16:30
In reply to Understanding Jesus Submitted by Ben on March 19 1999 at 07:25:07

You have my deepest admiration and congratulations, Ben. You have taken the first step, at the very least and I am pretty sure that thousands of angels in heaven are singing praises right now because of your decision. :) You are right, of course, that there wil always be counter-arguements here and there. With enough logic and persuasion, I suppose I can convince you that we are all aliens from the Planet Candyland and when we die, we become chocolate bars. :) Sorry, it isnt my intention to be sarcastic but that is basically how the enemy plant doubts and mistrust in people's hearts. The key to all this, Ben, is faith. Faith is not the goal, of course, but the key to your answer. Faith is something often said but seldom understood, let alone practiced. I often find it hard to understand it myself. Faith is like being asked if the earth is round. Most people would say that it is indeed round but do we have complete, undeniable and conclusive proof that it is? The pictures could be forgeries. The so-called scientific explanations can be contrived and lies. In fact, there is an organization that believes the earth is flat. We take for granted that the earth is round because we have faith in whoever or whatever told us that it is round. Now, Christian faith goes one step further than that. The demons believe and take the truth for granted but they dont practice it (misuse it, yes). Accepting the truth is the first step...practicing it would be the next. If you have someone who you have known all your life...and this someone has never never failed you as a friend. His/her love for you is undeniable and his loyalty steadfast. He/She is well respected for his/her honesty, integrity and character. Now, lets assume that you came across an emergency..and need someone's help in taking care of your house while you are gone. You turn to this person for that support. What would be your expectation? Considering his record, would you entertain any fear that he will just betray you or ignore you? Lets go one step further, suppose he/she told you not to worry and that he/she will care for your house while you are away. During your trip, would you entertain thoughts/feelings that he/she will steal from you or betray your trust? That is how I would describe faith. It is trust in GOD that HE will do what HE will say. HE said that HE loves you unconditionally, through the roller coasters of life, trust HIM. HE said that HE will transform your life into something marvelous, trust HIM. Just like the illustration I used, you dont have a sec by second proof that the person will keep his/her promise to take care of your house. You dont see him/her while you are away. All you have is his/her promise. You trip can be a week, or even a month. All you have is your faith in that person. The enemy's role is to plant seeds of doubt, and then destruction. Satan will bring him people or ideas in your life that will make you doubt, one way or another. Doubt then brings insecurity, and insecurity brings out fear and hatred/distrust...and fear/hatred/distrust brings forth despair.

Faith always involves risk. Scientists rely on their faith in their thesis and hypothesis. Pilots rely on their faith in flying their vehicles and their passengers as well. Voters rely on their faith on the person they are voting (well..somewhat...). Students rely on their faith that their instructor is correct. If these people can have such faith in other flawed, imperfect people, what more should we have faith in the perfect and loving GOD?

Now, lets be hypothetical here, extremely hypothetical. Lets just say that the Bible is a hoax, as some people believe. Everything was a lie, or a myth. Lets see... for believing the "myth", you have a clean, happy, honorable life, filled with integrity, satisfaction and unconditional insecurity, respected by both friends and enemies for being the salt of the earth. Any downside for believing? Hmmm... I really cannot think of anything of a great loss, can you?

Now, lets then reverse that...and evaluate the risks that the BIBLE is indeed TRUTH (which it is incidentally). What would you loose if you choose to reject it? Hmm, lets see...your security will be so conditional, wealth can be gone in a year or a month or tomorrow, your spouse might leave you for another, you find yourself unable to do everything your religion requires and now risking damnation, you find yourself not being good enough for nirvana (so to speak), invariably, you will find yourself empty and disillusioned, you might loose your job tomorrow, you might get in an accident next week and become handicap, your kid turns out to be gay and you cannot tolerate it, etc etc etc etc . Furthermore, you risk eternal damnation. The upside...short term and superficial fun, doing whatever you want to do, be it healthy or not. Hmmmm, not a pleasant thing, is it? If people can invest so much in stocks which are so...unstable, why cannot they invest in something so...eternal and wonderful? Its so..weird.

You and your people are the firstborn of GOD, Ben. HE promised your people that HE will bring forth take HIS people's sins upon himself. HE promised that because of your people, everyone in this world can be saved, which was fulfilled in Christ and carried out by his disciples. You and your people have a special role in HIS plan, as do Christians. As such, your people are also the targets of the Evil One. Over fourty years ago, millions of your people were executed mercilessly and horribly by a force professing to be Christian and moral. Hitler, believe it or not, professed to be a ardent Christian, determine to rid the world of the immoral and evil (in the Jews, gays, blacks, communist, etc). He had the backing of the church and religious people. The time will come when history will once more repeat itself. Satan will play his insidous game once again, pitting his pawns(the unrighteous and self-righteous) against each other, with the righteous and GOD's children in the middle of the battlefield. That time is coming soon and we have to all be prepared, to be strong in our faith and love for each other. We are not called to change the world; we are called to change lives.

Keep on praying, Ben... I cannot and will not make the decision for you. This is something exclusively between you and GOD. I pray that HE will give you understanding. In a world filled with so much darkness, every single person who comes to the light is a blessing...a wonderful, wonderful blessing indeed.

In Christ...Shalom,
John Guard

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