Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Bible Study

Submitted by John Guard on March 23 1999 at 19:49:38
In reply to Bible Study Submitted by Bach on March 22 1999 at 09:35:55

With little doubt, one of the enemy's tactics (and a most effective one in that) is the "pendulum" effect. First, he creates a problem, and then offers a solution which causes even more problems (and is often worse than the problem itself). From a sociological/historical point of view, this idea can be supported by the dynamics of the French Revolution, the Communist Revolution, World War I and II, et al. All these major sociological "chaos" were not caused by "evil" people wanting to destroy the world but by "good" and "idealistic" people wanting whats "good" for their country, relatively speaking.

How is this related to the thread? Well, the issue of the "fallen" state of humans is being addressed. What does it mean to be "fallen". The average person will think of fallen as being immoral, selfish, violent, et al. They point out to wars, sexual sins, discrimination, amongst others as proof that humans are fallen creatures. If we choose to believe this world view, then we should not even love others, since we all will always be "evil", hopelessly so. On the other side of the pendulum, to simply believe that one will become perfect or always good (despite one does or does not do) when he/she accepts Christ as his/her Savior and Lord is a manifestation of naivity and foolishness. John says that we would be lying is we say we are without sin. The Bible also states that all have sinned, and fallen short of God's standards. The whole concept of unmerited salvation is based on the premise that nothing, absolutely nothing that people do can earn them God's favour. To simply say that humans are good and therefore implying that they can earn God's approval (by themselves)or that they don't even need to earn that approval is threading on very very dangerous grounds.

We can easily discern this two conflicting world views in our society. On one side, we have the so-called "Christian" wing that alleges, if not consciously then unconsciously, that all gays, all criminals, all hedonists, all non-believers, all sexually immoral, et al are proof of man's fallen state. To them, one cannot be saved unless one stops being this or that. If you haven't noticed, these people seldom express love for others unless those others agree with them. These people are often if not always aloof, perfectionistic and paranoid by nature since everyone (except them) are evil and fallen. On the other side of things, we see the so-called "liberal" elements that would say or imply that since GOd is LOVE, we dont have to worry about hell or punishment. We can do whatever we like because GOD is LOVE. That is foolishness since this belief neutralizes two crucial elements of Biblical Faith: God's HOLINESS and Redemption.

So which world view is correct? Neither one. Satan's favorite tactic is "divide and conquer" sow the seeds of deception and pit two sides against each other, carefully concealing a third party (which often will be in the middle of the war). Let's examine what it really means to be "fallen". The serpent tempted Eve by saying that if she eats the fruit, she will be like God, knowing good and evil. The fruit of also called the fruit of knowledge (the exact word I believe means experiencial knowledge). Remember that Satan never actually lies...he merely manipulates truth and twist it into something else. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they did become "gods", so to speak... What this basically meanth is that they acquired their own standards, independent of GOD's standards. Remember that sin means "missing the mark". When we try to aim at the bulleye's of a shooting or archery range, we miss the mark when we hit it too high or too low. Therefore, to mean "fallen" means to follow a standard differing from God's standards, be it too high or too low. Experiential knowledge , by definition, is the set of standards we adopt through experience. Therefore, using this definition, a person who is moral but refuses to accept GOD is no better in God's eyes that a person who is a sex offe nder. In this context, we are fallen, we will always miss the mark since we have no idea what GOD's standards is...and even if we do, the part of us that wants to stick with our own standards gets in the way. A person who struggles with the tendency to earn his own salvation is on equal ground to a person who struggles with sexual sin. That's where grace comes in. God's grace, which is unmerited, is our shield and our protector. Grace runs on unconditional love. If we truly have accepted GOD's Grace in Christ through faith, then no matter what we are and what we do, we are saved. The cliche here is "truly accepted" and "faith". If we say that we have accepted Christ in our hearts and still sin delightfully, consciously, intentionally and frequently..then one has to really examine ones faith. That will be like saying to your kid "I have faith in you that you will be responsible staying alone in the house" and then spying on your kid after you leave to make sure he is okay or setting up spying devices. Thats hypocrisy and not faith.

After years of struggling with the guilt and remorse of being a "boylover"...I have finally come to terms with who I am, or more accurately, in who GOD views me as being. I am no longer guilty or ashamed of what I am, because I know that GOD loves me unconditionally and sees me as "good"(unconditionally) because of what HIS SON has done. I have come to accept why HE allowed me to be this way, that HE, through me, can show HIS LOVE to the children, and to encourage others like me. Now, does that mean that I can just stick my cock inside a little kid? I don't think so. Does that mean that I will keep on making kids as sex objects and lust after their bodies? No, I dont think so. Why? Because that will not be out of LOVE...GOD's LOVE. On the other hand, do I have to feel ashamed of my feelings and/or my need to "relieve" myself? No, I dont think so..because HIS Grace is sufficient for me...always sufficient. As long as my focus in on GOD, everything is permissible and consecrated..and that is what Paul was talking about.

This is a most dangerous time we live in. The enemy is once more playing his game, this time probably with more intensity and scope. We, as Christians, should not loose our focus in Christ, and be prepared for tribulation. Remember, it is easy to "miss the mark" and set up our own standards, be it conservative or liberal. To him that endureth (overcome), that person shall be blessed.

My two shekels :),

In Christ,
JOhn Guard

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