Christian Boylove Forum

eternally damned... not necessarily

Submitted by d on March 24 1999 at 00:02:14
In reply to Pat's Pat (longer post) Submitted by Pat on March 23 1999 at 23:44:03

>I will be eternally damned for who I am.

Um, last time I checked we were all sinners (even the token non-boylovers like yours truly). For this we all get a one-way ticket to hell*.

However, Jesus took my ticket and gave me a new one.

Hmm, perhaps this belongs on Religious Debate Chat. Nah, I'll leave it here.

>I have the desire to own a pickup truck
Eww, a pickup truck. You pervert! [just kidding - my dad owns a pickup, you sounded like you could use a little cheering up]

I'm not qualfied to comment on the rest of your post - but there are plenty of others here who can support you in ways I can't.

*my concept of hell is a place where God isn't. I can't think of any worse place to spend eternity (fire and brimstone are mild by comparison).

-d (david_tx on IRC)

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