Christian Boylove Forum

That took courage

Submitted by d on April 06 1999 at 00:26:02
In reply to disguises and puppets Submitted by scott on April 05 1999 at 21:02:07

That took courage to post. Thank you.

In one of your replies, you wrote:

>and i didnt ask for your pity, or compassion, or your advice

Having read some of your other recent posts, it is impossible for me not to have compassion, which at times may come across as pity. It is difficult to not give advice - please remind me that you asked me not to give it (when I reply, I do not always remember who's who around here). Also, in some cases, I will give public advice knowing there may be others in the same situation you are.

> there is no shame in being a sinner.
For me, the shame exists, but it only lasts the few minutes between conviction and recognizing and accepting forgiveness. The "Oh my God what have I done" moment, if you will. The shame for the deed may last a lot longer, depending on who is affected by it.

>Jesus Is LORD and my Savior...and He kicks the devil's $$@!#@!# all over the place!

And the people said: AMEN!

If you are Eastern Orthodox, have a good Holy Week. If you are on a western-church calendar, I hope you had a good Easter.

-d (david_tx on IRC)

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